Pharmaceutical & Healthcare

A pivotal time for healthcare & pharmaceutical industries: Identifying opportunities is now

The challenges are the same but the landscape is not. Cures for currently incurable diseases and palliatives for chronic conditions are still the first order for big pharma companies. Complicating this mission are data analytics on drug performance, pressures to decrease health care costs, cyber security threats, entrenched management practices, and a global move to prevention rather than treatment. Understanding how these challenges are impacting any given company is critical to shaping solutions.

Driving Results with Competency-based Training

Medical Division Sales & Marketing

The Canadian subsidiary of a major international pharmaceutical company responded to an increasingly competitive and changing industry by raising the bar on Medical Division skill levels.  The organization recognized that improving critical competencies among Sales Reps, Sales Managers, and Product Managers in the Medical Division Sales and Marketing Group was imperative to achieve strategic objectives.

Consultants from DRC worked with Human Resources to further define competency data and develop a learning curriculum that addressed the complete range of skills required for Medical Division Sales & Marketing. To operationalize the curriculum, a formal learning system was installed. Internal staff members were trained to complete portions of the program and work as change agents within the organization.

Accelerating Drug Development

Building Better Product Teams

Decreasing the time required for new drugs to enter the marketplace while maintaining efficacy and safety has become evident with recent global health issues. A task force at this global pharmaceutical had identified inadequate and inconsistent program management as a major contributor to cycle length. DRC consultants worked with the company to construct a methodology—appropriate for the biotech industry—that preserved the successful aspects of the culture while beginning to change organizational aspects that hindered the development process. 
Working with designated product development teams, the consultants addressed such critical factors as standardized project management tools, goal setting, team communication, decision-making, and ongoing documentation of team work and decisions. After working with the company during early stages of development, both teams were able to reduce their cycle time by one year using the processes that had been established.

Driving Results Through Knowledge

Promoting Management Interdependence

To sustain their leadership position, the manufacturing division of this global pharmaceutical company realized that it needed to take a fresh look at the set of core competencies required by all 11,000 of its supervisors and managers worldwide. Working collaboratively with staff from both the finance and manufacturing operations, DRC consultants approached the effort as a major organizational intervention, applying its cross-functional knowledge-building expertise to create a series of interactive work sessions.  Internal silos needed to be cross-threaded. Managers and supervisors needed to be given a line of sight that enabled them to make good business decisions within the context of the entire business.
Work sessions became the vehicle for intense cross-functional collaboration within the division, and for reframing the work of the division as a series of interdependent relationships. Managers and supervisors adopted a common language—commonly understood and commonly agreed to—resulting in a new impetus for promoting interdependence as a strategic objective.

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